Wifa Sizing Chart
WIFA Sizing Charts
RIEDELL Boot sizes
SAGESTER Size table and how to measure
Fitting the Ice skating boots
EDEA boots and Roll-line frames sizing chart
How to try-on your ice skating shoes correctly
Here is what you should do:
First you need to untighten your ice skating boots down to the lower third of the shoes. Afterwards you put them into an oven with air circulation or heat them up with a hair drier to around 50 °C. Then you should be able to easily get into your ice skating boots. Normally your toes touch the very front of your shoe. Now place your shoe in about 45° on the back part of the blade and push your heel to the back of the boot. If you have done it correctly, your toes should have enough place now. Tighten your ice skating boots and stay sitting as long as the boots remain warm. After they have cooled down you may walk around with them. If you go into your knees, you will probably feel some pressure from the tongue, this will lift after some hours of traning.
Boot sizes:
Shoe sizes aren't standardized internationallyThe same person might requirer another boot size at a manufacturer A than at a manufacturer B.
We will be able to define the required shoe size, if you make a sketch and set it to us.The drawing should be done by another person.
To do that you should lay down two peaces of paper on the floor and then the person, who the measurement are made for, step on the peaces of papers, each foot on one of the peaces. Afterwards a second person draws the footprint with a fine pencil. Try to keep the pencil in a vertical position. At the heel you could help yourself with a triangle.
Afterwards you should measure both footprints and write the dimensions on the paper in mm. Afterwards send them per E-mail or Fax to us.
FAX: 0043-2742-73272
Wifa Sizing Chart
In the next table you are able to compare your feet dimensions with the different shoe sizes.
For the correct size of shoe you should add 10 mm to the feet length for your toes.
For example: Your feet are 22.5 cm long. You require French 35, English 2 1/2 or CA/US 4 1/4.
We will take over the vernier adjustment for you.
Riedell Boot size calculator
You are able to estimate your shoe size here:
Sagester size table for Jackets
Sagester size table for pants, shirts and skirts
Measurements for dresses from Sagester
Altezza / height / Körpergröße |
Peso / weight / Körpergewicht |
A - Seno / chest / Brustkorb |
B - Vita / waist / Taille |
C - Fianchi / hips / Hüfte |
D - Busto / girth / Torso* |
F - Lunghezza braccio / arms lengh / Armlänge |
G – Circonferenza braccio sopra gomito / arm circumference above the elbow / Umfang des Armes über dem Ellbogen (Bizebs) |
H – circonferenza attacatura ascella / armpit circumference |
* The measurement D is for the girth. Start measuring from a shoulder, then over the front of the body (between the breasts, not over them), between the legs and then back up to the shoulder.
Intermezzo Sizing Chart
EDEA boots and Roll-line frames sizing chart